Forklift parts
Brake system spare parts
1552 parts
Electrical spare parts
2949 parts
Transmission parts
1477 parts
Drive axle spare parts
1206 parts
Steering axle spare parts
1812 parts
Fuel system spare parts
36 parts
Engine spare parts
5807 parts
Headlights, mirrors, lamps
299 parts
Hydraulic system spare parts
4143 parts
Spare parts for lifting mechanism
1373 parts
Frame parts
3011 parts
Control system spare parts
535 parts
Other forklift spare parts
1618 parts
Application for selection of spare parts for forklift
Fill out the form fields so we can contact you
and discuss details
About our warehouse of spare parts for forklifts
We have been dealing with forklifts since 2013. We know firsthand what breaks, in what situations, at what mileage. Therefore, we have formed a warehouse of more than 10,000 necessary spare parts to ensure that your equipment is always in service and profitable.
How to order a forklift repair
Leave a request
Fill out the form at the bottom of this page or call the phone number provided on this page.
Specialist diagnostics
The specialist will conduct an preliminary diagnosis of the malfunction.
Repairing your forklift
A specialist will come to the forklift to fix the breakdown. If the breakdown cannot be repaired without special equipment, then you will need to deliver the loader to us for service.
Payment for forklift repairs
Before the repair begins, the cost of the repair and the cost of the necessary spare parts will be agreed upon with you. We have most of the spare parts in stock.

Benefits of Forklift Repair
in our service

A specialist will come to you to fix the problem on site.
All running spare parts
in stock at our warehouse
Full package of documents
Phone number for appointment:
+7 702 215 66 95
Almaty, Ryskulova Avenue, 45

Mon-Fri: 10:00–19:00